Access to High-Quality,
International Healthcare

Your health insurance plan includes all the benefits you knew you needed—but our Enhanced Health program covers the rest. We’ve developed a proprietary, one of a kind program, by partnering with key vendors to provide this remarkable program, issued without medical underwriting.

We know you want to take good care of yourself and your employees—and of course, their health and wellbeing should come first. Although it’s wonderful to have access to Canada’s healthcare system and employer-supported health benefits, more Canadians are left waiting and curious about the benefits of private and enhanced health services.

A doctor having a discussion with a patient
yellow Ring

These supplemental options can include international health insurance, VIP medical services, or travel insurance—all of which provide quality coverage as you age and experience health changes.

Our Sagium Enhanced Health program provides flexible health insurance plans to Canadians seeking to upgrade their healthcare options locally, in the U.S., and worldwide. Proactive planning for medical events means getting our clients out of line and into care. This reduces wait times for diagnosis and treatment, speeds up recovery, and gets you back to business as usual.

Our Partners

At Sagium Health, we’re dedicated to increasing access to world-class healthcare and high-quality service. That’s why we only partner with companies that share our commitment to integrity, experience and expertise, and collaboration.

Teladoc Health Canada

If your employee is waiting for a diagnosis, Teladoc Health Canada has them covered—even if they have a pre-existing condition. Employees can tap into a wide range of digital health services, resources, and tools designed to help them find a doctor, access diagnostic imaging, get a second opinion, consolidate medical records, improve mental health, and more.

VUMI Group

When an employee requires treatment, VUMI (VIP Universal Medical Insurance) Group is ready to help them access high quality treatment quickly and easily.

Through VUMI, employees can access holistic, personalized treatment through a global network of 800,000 providers and 7,000 hospitals located in more than 100 countries. This network includes some of the world’s best medical professionals, advanced technology, and leading treatment facilities.

Whether you want more control over your healthcare options or you’re simply curious about what solutions may be available to you, we can help.

A doctor giving a high five to a little girl on a medical bed.

“Having someone to guide you, and that knows how to help you when you need it, is important.”

–David Rendall, President & CEO, VUMI Group

Sagium Enhanced Health Program